Saturday, September 22, 2018

Life of the Party ~

(Click Image to Enlarge)

Ensemble ~ 
CATWA HEAD Catya v3.2 
Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara V4.1
~#~ CURELESS[+] Space Eyes
~#~ CURELESS[+] & ~#~ :MoonAmore: CUREMORE / Antoinette's II / Rococo Hairstyle, & CUREMORE / Antoinette's II / Rococo Hairstyle Accessory (ADDME), & CUREMORE / Antoinette's II / Rococo Queen Attire / RARE, & CUREMORE / Antoinette's Closet II / Silk Gloves (Beige), & CUREMORE / Antoinette's Closet II / Royalty Fan, & CUREMORE / Antoinette's Closet II / Delicate Stockings (Beige), & CUREMORE / Antoinette's Closet II / Rococo Heels (Beige) Gacha

Set/Location ~
Exposeur & The Loft - Room of Balloons at Backdrop City
~#~ [Cubic Cherry] {Aerial v.2} sparkles (tintable), & [Cubic Cherry] {Aerial v.2} star bubbles, &[Cubic Cherry] {Hollow} tree GOLD, & [Cubic Cherry] {Hollow} leaves A SILVER Original mesh/material enabled, 14 land impact each tree, 2 li each leaves group, 5 colors included, 0,5 land impact each star, 1 land impact sparkles, 3 li for each star group, texture change hud: 18 colors for the stars The Fantasy Collective

Pose ~
Ex-posed *EP* Nori_6

("~#~" Symbol denotes Current or Past Sponsored items, either Store/Designer Sponsor or Sponsored EventsAll other items have been Purchased by me unless otherwise noted. Please visit the "Sponsors" & the "Events" Page for a complete list of my  Sponsors & their SLurls, & information on any Events I'm Currently officially Blogging, respectively. Thank you for your Support!)

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