Sunday, September 24, 2017

The Crimson Queen ~

(Click Image to Enlarge)
Ensemble ~
CATWA HEAD Catya v3.0 Updated!
Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara V4.1
^^Swallow^^ Drop Ear 
Glam Affair - Milu - Catwa Head Applier - Good Girl ( Polar ) Recent Fifty Linden Friday
~#~ The White Crow -[TWC]- Shy Lover body Applier, & -[TWC]- Shadows body applier. Unisex, also comes with face applier, (not shown) 
Izzie's - Catwa - Applier Red Lipstick Set Recent Fifty Linden Friday
~#~ NINI:3 Yunna Eyes collection Full pack SaNaRae
~#~ *{( konpeitou )}* BENTO kuti-musubi piercing 
~#~ Yokai 6.Yokai - Sakura Garden  - Crown (black), & 13.Yokai - Sakura Garden - Hairpin (black) Lootbox
~#~ Yokai Yokai - Rose accessory -  Gift Limit 8
~#~ OXIDE Immortal Crown RARE Lootbox 
~#~ -FABIA- Mesh Hair Natural Tones. There is also Fine Day, which wraps around the waist. These are such pretty & unique hairs! SaNaRae
~#~ [Cubic Cherry] 01[Cubic Cherry] {What's Left} Arm SINNER RARE original mesh/materials enabled. The skeletal arm is rigged, the junction part is unrigged. Clicking on the junction part a resize menu pops up and you can scale the part at your need. Using "select linked" from the build menu you can also move that part around to make it fit your mesh body. With the rares (until the event end) you will also get the lootbox limited exclusives. Lootbox
~#~ :Moon Amore: Guller Bodysuit/  NO LACE/ Maitreya Each pack comes with 2 bodysuit options (with and without lace), Maitreya exp. and Slink Hourglass Sizes. Fatpack comes with hud to mix and match everything, 2 extra colors included (Lilac and Blue) and Full sheer option for the top. Please TRY DEMO!! Kustom9

Set ~
~#~ LunaRosarie L+R-ai- cross wall lights  MATSURI Oct 1-31 2017 This event will include a beautifully decorated sim, shopping, & live performances. Check the Website for more info!
{anc} {anc} fish shop daughters / leaking rug [type.A], & {anc} tears tree[red, & {anc} suger rose field [rose], & {anc} nebra beads [Heavenlyblue], & {anc} mist cloud [sungold] 
*HEXtraordinary* Melting Spell Candle - Tall & Short Recent Fifty Linden Friday

Pose ~
oOo odissi_seven_b Recent Fifty Linden Friday

("~#~" Symbol denotes Current or Past Sponsored items, either Store/Designer Sponsor or Sponsored EventsAll other items have been Purchased by me unless otherwise noted,  Please visit the (ex:Group Gifts, Freebies, etc.)"Sponsors" & the "Events" Page for a complete list of my  Sponsors & their SLurls, & information on any Events I'm Currentofficially Blogging, respectively. Thank you for your Support!)

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