Thursday, January 12, 2017

The Language of Love ~

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I just wanted to say how grateful I am for all of the support I have received over the last year. I have always really enjoyed blogging. Even though it's a lot of work, I find it so relaxing & creatively satisfying. Thanks a bunch to all my talented Sponsors - The quality of your items always inspires me to do my best to represent your work in a fresh, interesting & artistic way. Thanks also to everyone who comments & faves either here, on Facebook, Tumblr, or Flickr - It's extremely helpful & encouraging. 
Ensemble ~
Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara V3.5
[theSkinnery] Park Shin (Catwa Applier) milk 
~#~ NINI:3  YoonA collection Eyes 
Tukinowaguma *TKW* Ayane B Hair 
{Giza} jewels - gold In three metal colors The Kawaii Project 
~#~ .::Cubic Cherry::. {Maru} scarf - snowy - red original mesh, materials enables, unrigged, Mod/Copy. Four Colors available: red, pink, white, black, & each color comes in plain & snowy versions! 

~#*{( konpeitou )}* ichigo-usagi,
*{( konpeitou )}* ichigo-usagi *hair-pin (worn in mouth) 

6 colors 

~#*{( konpeitou )}* hino-kimono -RED- full In Black, Pink & Red. In full versions, or add piece by piece. Can Wear NO SHOULDER version & add the Xmas Poncho!
~#~ OXIDE Hinna Earrings Unrigged original mesh, Earrings and collar   All textures included with texture HUD, Materials Enabled. SaNaRae 
Black Bantam [BB] Busy Lil Black Kitty 02 01

Set ~ 
floorplan. i love you canvas Only one Linden! 
{anc} star flakes/A  [shabby gold]

("~#~" Symbol denotes Current or Past Sponsored items, either Store/Designer Sponsor or Sponsored EventsAll other items have been Purchased by me unless otherwise noted, (ex:Group Gifts, Freebies, etc.) Please visit the "Sponsors" & the "Events" Page for a complete list of my Current Sponsors & their SLurls, & information on any Events I'm officially Blogging, respectively. Thank you for your Support!)

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