Sunday, November 22, 2015

Cozy & Sparkly ~

(Click Image for Larger View)
Ensemble ~
*Cila* Woolen Hat Twinkle Star Gacha RARE (Cila is a Past ~#~Sponsor & has currently gifted me this item. Thank you very much, Comilla Rio!)  Kira Kira Twinkle Star Party Nov15 - Dec6
~#~ .::Cubic Cherry Kre-ations::. {Arel} horns bark You can't see it very well in this picture, but there are delicate details you must see in person, such as little flowers, & delicate string draping, etc. Original mesh horns, modifiable, 3 color variations. There's also a free gift waiting for you! The Fantasy Collective
TRUTH HAIR Ambrosia (Past ~#~ Sponsor. Thanks very much, Truth Hawks!)
The Sugar Garden .tsg. Mimi Mesh Head X Tone
LovelyAlien StarryEyelashes
The Sugar Garden .tsg. Luxury Eyes - Honey
~#~ HAYSURIZA Glasses London Classical Resize, Scripted to change position on head, flip cover lens up, lens color, transparency, etc. Very high quality. Other styles available, unisex. Blogged another style HERE Creators Collection Box Nov 21st - Dec 12th
darkendStare. Unseelie Wings - Feathered [Pink] I really like this stores wings so I played this gacha 20 times to collect the "Seed of Inspiration" Wings as well. I got SO Many Pretty wings & not a lot of duplicates. I am very happy. The Gacha Garden
~#~ {amiable} Long Knit Bow Sweater with Skirt This is so cute, cozy & pretty. I always like the look of the "covered hands" type sweaters! Original Mesh, Comes in Six colors & will be 50% off during this event! Go get it! Creators Collection Box Nov 21st - Dec 12th 
~#~ Naminoke *N*KITTY HUG ARM(WEAR) RARE-C These are all animation dolls (common is only blink animation). As you can see, The kitty is throwing it's arms up & leaning back in the background picture, & hugging my arm tight in the foreground picture. It's really very adorable & fun to wear! Rare & Seed dolls are color changeable. Kitties, Bears & Pandas. The Gacha Garden
~#~  .::Cubic Cherry Kre-ations::. {I Believe} necklace sky Nine colors of pixie dust in a cute corked bottle. Tiny piece of paper dangling from it says "I Believe." Modify. Comes with hand & feet pixie dust particles you can turn on & off by typing "i believe" (lowercase) in chat or touching the necklace! Handmade original mesh & really lovely. There's also a Hunt going on, so grab a HUD & get all the goodies! Enchantment Nov 14th - Dec5th
Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara V3.4
~#~ se//mi / Fuyu - Legs (Fresh) - White I will blog these again so you can fully see them. Comes in arms & legs versions for system or appliers SaNaRae Event 25-18th 
~#~ {sallie} Wooden Platforms w/ Knit Socks (maitreya) - dark blue Purchase one of 13 different Colors - then you choose from 8 sock colors, 3 wood colors, & 2 metal colors in the hud. You can also hide the sock & only wear the sandal! Very beautiful & versatile - I really love these a lot! In four sizes, & Maitreya & Slink. SaNaRae Event 25-18th 

Set ~
~#~ Serenity Style- Winter Stars Path, Blackboard Winter Trees & Blackboard Winter Reindeer Copy, Modify SaNaRae Event 25-18th 
~#~ Naminoke *N*Star Dust decor - color1 There's also crowns & bracelets available!   Kira Kira Twinkle Star Party Nov15 - Dec6
{anc} Confetti. [gold] 6º Republic.

Poses ~
oOo Poses  margarethe_one & fever_two

("~#~" Symbol denotes Officially Sponsored items, either through Regular Store/Designer Sponsor or Sponsored Events. Other Specially Gifted items will be Thanked. All other items have been Purchased by me unless otherwise noted, (example: Group Gifts, Freebies, etc.) Please be sure to visit the "Sponsors" Page, & the "Events" Page for a complete list of my current Sponsors & their SLurls, & information on any Events I am officially Blogging, respectively. Thank you for your Support!)

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