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Thanks to everyone for helping reach over One Hundred Thousand Views on my Blog! I'm very honored.
Ensemble ~
HONEY2 Skin tone 2-4 (no brow)
~#~ The White Crow -[TWC]- Between brows -white- (tinted in edit)
~#~ The White Crow -[TWC]- Shy Lover Body Blush (& Face)
~#~ [KiiKO] Eye bags 03
L.Fauna Dimples [Tan]
Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara V3.5
Gacha COMMON &
Sweet Lies Designs *SL* Lorea Hat - Sweet Lies Original 4
*SL* Lorea Dress Maitreya Lara - Sweet Lies Original 10
Gacha RARE SaNaRae June 25 - July 18th
~#~ Toro. Idris Glasses Green {Sunset} More Colors available SaNaRae June 25 - July 18th
~#~ Evermore. Moo Chan Milk CAPPUCINO WHIPPED More colors/flavors available SaNaRae June 25 - July 18th
Pose ~
{.:exposeur:.} Back To Black 2 left arm modded with Animare HUD V2.05 {.:exposeur:.} is having a huge Closing Sale until the end of the month. Whole pose packs as low as 10L. Don't miss out!
Location ~
("~#~" Symbol denotes Sponsored items, either through Store/Designer Sponsor or Sponsored Events. All other items have been Purchased by me unless otherwise noted, (example: Group Gifts, Freebies, etc.) Please be sure to visit the "Sponsors" Page, & the "Events" Page for a complete list of my current Sponsors & their SLurls, & information on any Events I am officially Blogging, respectively. Thank you for your Support!)