(Click Image for Larger View)
Ensemble ~
Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara V3.5
Air_Kazura A01_black Hair (resize script)_CM & Air_Kazura A01_Tail (ADD)_black_CM Japonica
Slack Girl ::SG:: D0PE Eyes - L&R & ::SG:: TheBlackTongue For CATWA Heads
Down Down Down DDD_Rough rope Snood Japonica
[ ridi-ludi-fool ] *UBUME -crane- Japonica
~#~ The White Crow -[TWC]- Ton of Bones For Omega Catwa Head, System, Maitreya, TMP, Omega & Slink. UNISEX!
~#~ Naminoke *N*Rafflesia (Flowers)
Naminoke *N*Thorn Geta BOY & Girl (HUD ctrl) OK, so I accidentally wore BOTH the Male & Female Shoes at once, & I didn't notice until now ~ OOPS! Japonica
Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara V3.5
Air_Kazura A01_black Hair (resize script)_CM & Air_Kazura A01_Tail (ADD)_black_CM Japonica
Slack Girl ::SG:: D0PE Eyes - L&R & ::SG:: TheBlackTongue For CATWA Heads
Down Down Down DDD_Rough rope Snood Japonica
[ ridi-ludi-fool ] *UBUME -crane- Japonica
~#~ The White Crow -[TWC]- Ton of Bones For Omega Catwa Head, System, Maitreya, TMP, Omega & Slink. UNISEX!
~#~ Naminoke *N*Rafflesia (Flowers)
Naminoke *N*Thorn Geta BOY & Girl (HUD ctrl) OK, so I accidentally wore BOTH the Male & Female Shoes at once, & I didn't notice until now ~ OOPS! Japonica
Set ~
~#~ Yokai 7.Yokai - Little penguins - yummy fish (red), & 10.Yokai - Little penguins - lanterns! (red), & 14.Yokai - Little penguins - oops, I fall (red balloon) 6 total poses in 3 colors & - so cute! The Project Se7en
{anc} ripple. oil .for light space
~#~ Naminoke *N*Star Dust decor2(Rez) -Color1
Down Down Down DDD_Milky Way
~#~ Yokai 7.Yokai - Little penguins - yummy fish (red), & 10.Yokai - Little penguins - lanterns! (red), & 14.Yokai - Little penguins - oops, I fall (red balloon) 6 total poses in 3 colors & - so cute! The Project Se7en
{anc} ripple. oil .for light space
~#~ Naminoke *N*Star Dust decor2(Rez) -Color1
Down Down Down DDD_Milky Way
("~#~" Symbol denotes Current or Past Sponsored items, either Store/Designer Sponsor or Sponsored Events, All other items have been Purchased by me unless otherwise noted, (ex:Group Gifts, Freebies, etc.) Please visit the "Sponsors" & the "Events" Page for a complete list of my Current Sponsors & their SLurls, & information on any Events I'm officially Blogging, respectively. Thank you for your Support!)