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Ensemble ~
(from top to bottom of avatar)
~#~.::Cubic Cherry:. 13 {Cora} Butterfly D Kawaii Project
[taketomi]_Kina_Bento hair
*Cila* Lollipop hairpin 01 RARE (Thank you very much, Comilla Rio) The Gacha Garden
Slink Visage Mesh Head - Becky V2.2
Pink Fuel [PF]
[UMEBOSHI] Glimmer eyes -Dory- Seasons Story
B.C.C LoveHoney Nurse Eye patch Blood 1 Gacha
Slink Visage Teeth - Twin Vamp
Slink Physique Mesh Body V2.4 Hands & Feet
~#~Cute Poison - Mystiq Necklace Pt 1, Mystiq Necklace Pt 2 Black, Mystiq Necklace Pt 3 Black. Also in Silver or Gold. Wear all three parts or mix it up to suit your style. Change crystal colors with hud. Illusion Point (Monthly Event. This round Ending August 18th)
darkendStare. jabberwocky wings [pink/white] Kawaii Projectantielle. Homunculus RARE Epiphany
.:AVALE:. Jennifer .Darkness. (Slink) (Comes with long sleeves but I disabled the arms to show my antielle tattoo.) One of the best Bodysuits I have found! A true "Ballerina" style. Comes in every applier & Sl avatar. MP
-Pixicat- Temptation.Corset - Dark RARE
~#~Tori-Tastic Cotton Candy Queen Nails HUD for Slink & Belleza 4 color combos & four with cute hearts, too. 75L until Aug 1st HURRY! (Going up to reg 100L price after.)
~#~:Moon Amore: Sabrina Skirt 6 colors (each color pack include white color, 7 bow textures and 2 lace/ruffle colors) Manga Fair
~#~PANTSU*HUNTER (Now rebranded as Altair) pearls garter .sorbet. R These come in a 12 color fatpack with 6 colors of cute thigh high socks that apply on Slink, Wowmeh & Azz, BUT you can use the Garters on ANY body - totally resize & really pretty! MP ONLY ITEM
.Shi : Leg Harness {LEATHER-FEMME} [Rigged Mesh]
~#~*katat0nik* (black/Slink) Ballet Slippers Nine Colors available. Change Flower color with Nine color HUD as well. Original Mesh- Fits Slink & Maitreya Flat Feet.
Set ~
*Cila* Lollipop fence (Thank you very much, Comilla Rio) The Gacha Garden
("~#~" Symbol denotes Officially Sponsored items, either through Regular Store/Designer Sponsor or Sponsored Events. Other Specially Gifted items will be Thanked. All other items have been Purchased by me unless otherwise noted, (example: Group Gifts, Freebies, etc.) Please be sure to visit the "Sponsors" Page, & the "Events" Page for a complete list of my current Sponsors & their SLurls, & information on any Events I am officially Blogging, respectively. Thank you for your Support.)