Thursday, August 18, 2016

Overwhelmed ~

(Click Image for Larger View)

Ensemble ~
~#~ LCKY Marissa Hair
~#~ CURELESS [+] Haemoglobine (Bare Lips / Red Eyeshadow)
~#~ CURELESS&DISORDERLY / Akiba Cafe / Neko Ears RARE &, Neko Cosplay Choker RARE,  Neko Tail White 20 COMMONS, 3 RARES 50L$ per play, There's a lot more to this Gacha than shown here, so don't miss it. Common tails include a texture changer HUD for the bows. Rares ears and chokers are fatpacks, they also include a texture changer HUD for various parts of the accessories. Bon Voyage
~#~ CURELESS[+] Luxurious Dolls / RARE / Crystallized Doll Scars Gacha 
~#~ **UrbanStreet** BloodRose Tattoo 
*{( konpeitou )}*  Yami-Neko 11 : ashidematoi & 9 : yosomi Gacha Origami 
~#~.::Cubic Cherry::. 12{Youkai} necklace red  & 14{Youkai} necklace white 
Clemmm - Wraps  *ALL Appliers* Origami 
~#~ Sweet Thing. Opulence Dress Includes large HUD with 9 metal colors & 14 gem colors! Collabor88
CerberusXing [CX] Lethal Talons (Gold) & Talon Nails (Gold)

Set ~ 
~#~.::Cubic Cherry::.  {Ame} umbrella ~ white r 3 packs available. Each pack contains 2 variations & texture change hud for the butterflies & the beads. Copy, Resize, Original mesh. Origami  
~#~ Naminoke *N*Star Dust decor2(Rez) -Color1 Rez
{anc} mist cloud [sungold], & fish shop daughters/ SymbiosisFish [red] Gacha, & Garden by anc slight wildgrass {flsah green} 
~#~ ::WARM::AT::Twilight Decor Plant I just used the plant from this set so far but there's also actually more decorative accessories as well as a a mesh Massage Table with 56 custom made animations (Massage & cuddles!) Go see it all at Tres Chic 
HPMD* (lightON/glow) floorArt01 (multiA)

Pose ~
::Poseidon:: Lady D 3 modded with Animare HUD V2.05

"~#~" Symbol denotes Current or Past Sponsored items, either Store/Designer Sponsor or Sponsored Events, All other items have been Purchased by me unless otherwise noted, (ex:Group Gifts, Freebies, etc.) Please visit the "Sponsors" & the "Events" Page for a complete list of my Current Sponsors & their SLurls, & information on any Events I'm officially Blogging, respectively. Thank you for your Support!)

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